RSONG's profile

Rsong Brand Design


RSONG BRAND DESIGN,creative bright future


We are a comprehensive creative service company with brand design as the core business. Our main business is brand design and cultural creativity. While undertaking design commission, we are also committed to creating our own brand culture system.
This is the birth of "UDX", which is exclusive to The design of RSONG BRAND DESIGN.
Youth and love are the driving force of our creativity. We never stop exploring and learning, and always have the passion to explore new design possibilities, because we always insist on discovering ourselves and influencing the world.

Logotype 标识

Colours 颜色

Typography 字体

Idea 概念

IP 卡通形象


Now we introduce our IP image -- UDX, this is a elephant with a little magic, a little creative, and a little fun, its existence perfectly interprets the design ideals and creative ideas of RSONG BRAND DESIGN.
The meaning of "elephant" is rich and beautiful. It is a wise and long-lived animal, representing auspiciousness and eternity. Since ancient times, "image( xiang )" also represents the essence of things. The so-called "symbol( xiangzheng )" has too many abstract and mysterious meanings.
"Elephant" also has the meaning of "quadrant( xiangxian )", jumping out of the inherent thinking frame, magnifying the open quadrant, looking at the problem from another Angle, to experience and try more.
Abstract and figurative clever fusion, sublimation figurative abstract, figurative interpretation of abstract, design is wonderful in it.


"UDX" is also divided into two images of abstract IP and concrete IP.
One is the expression of the image with geometric techniques, without any redundant decoration, with the aesthetic feeling of minimalism;
The other is the small elephant that jumps out and has a more three-dimensional sense, which perfectly fits the symmetry of the design, and the overall visual effect is exquisite and lovely.

Materials 物料

Rsong Brand Design